Tuesday, June 21, 2011


A story is told about Francis Asbury (an itinerant Methodist preacher):
The sun was lowering and the air was like an oven when the stranger rode into town. No one had seen the likes of him before. Leather creaked as he slid out of the saddle. The ground shook as the big man’s boots hit the street. He hitched his horse to the rail, looked around, stepped up on the wooden sidewalk and headed toward the saloon. When his lengthening shadow spilled through the swinging doors a hush fell over the crowd. The bartender stopped pouring. The dealer stopped shuffling. The bar-girls stopped smooching their marks. Even the piano fell silent. Chairs creaked, and necks craned as every eye tried to catch a glimpse of the stranger. And then he said: "Got any praying people around here?"
America is still in need of praying people that will reach heaven for our great nation. We can win today’s battle the same way our forefathers in the faith won theirs. Still, we must ask the same question " . . . got any praying people around here?" Throughout American history there have been major times of widespread revival. One was during the Civil War. It continued through the war and to the turn of the century. There were estimates that as many as one million conversions took place. That, however, is not the most unique feature of this revival. The first startling feature was the dominance of lay leadership and the absence of the famous evangelists. The second startling feature was that it began with prayer meetings rather than preaching services.
As we spend another July 4th remembering our great nation and all the sacrifices that have been made for our freedoms, let us not forget the attacks on our Christian liberties. These attacks are generally not from out side America but from our own liberal judges, educators and government.
I still believe that God wants to send a spiritual revival here. Our job is to fulfill the scripture in 1 Timothy 2:1-3: “I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior.”
So let’s not forget our nation and leaders in prayer. I know that God will hear and send America another revival - because we have some praying people.

In His Service
Pastor John J. Dodd


Rick Von Kanel said...

Today we hear a lot of talk about “why revival tarries”. Preachers tell us that believers are failing, that they are prayer-less, careless and worldly. However, God’s commitment to save the world is God’s own top priority. The God of all compassion who went to the length of Christ crucified would not hang around waiting until we are all mature and model Christians. Today is harvest time! REINHARD BONNKE

Gene said...

I didn't realize how long it had been since I visited your blog. They are always uplifting and a blessing.
Even now, our country is in a time of great political unrest and dissatisfaction, but the answer is not in grumbling and anger, but in prayer. The prayer of a righteous person availeth much.