Tuesday, November 17, 2009


There is a story about a family that was not very thankful . . . A man goes to his pastor and complains, Life is unbearable. There are nine of us living in one room. What can I do? The pastor answers, Take your goat into the room with you. The man thinks that this is ridiculous, but the pastor insists. Do as I say and come back in a week. A week later the man comes back looking more distraught than before. We cannot stand it, he tells the pastor. The goat is filthy and he makes a mess of everything. The pastor then tells him, go home and let the goat out and come back in a week. A radiant man returns to the pastor a week later, exclaiming, life is beautiful. We enjoy every minute of it now that there's no goat in the house, only the nine of us.

Thankfulness is always a matter of perspective!

Psalms 100 is one of the great Thanksgiving chapters in the Bible. The first verse of chapter 100 says: "Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth." To make a joyful shout is more than hollering or screaming. The emphasis is upon what we are shouting about. The Hebrew word means "an extension of the hand." It is as if the psalmist is saying to cup the hand to the mouth and speak out loud a very joyful confession to the Lord. Psalms 100 explains the many ways that we should be thankful. We need to serve God and each other with thankfulness, we must come before God in a thankful manner. There is Public Praise and there is Personal Praise. Thanksgiving is more about your attitude then your circumstances.



Have a great Thanksgiving Day!
Pastor John J. Dodd

Monday, November 2, 2009


Corporal Jeffrey Starr was a typical 22-year-old American Marine. He was into high tech, he was computer savvy and he believed in his mission. While serving his third tour in Iraq, he wrote a letter to his girlfriend and stored it on his computer. It was to be opened only in the event of his death. On May 30th 2005, he was killed by small-arms fire near Ramadi, Iraq.

His girlfriend received the following email:
"It may seem confusing why we are here in Iraq, but it’s not to me. I'm here helping these people, so that they can live the way we live. Not to have to worry about tyrants or vicious dictators...to do what they want with their lives. To me that is why I died. Others have died for my freedom, now this is my mark."

Corporal Jeffrey Starr gave his life in pursuit of an ideal in which he believed. He is an American hero, one of many whose mettle has been tested and cured in the crucible of war. There are, and have always been, many more just like him. Each believes in the mission and those certain enviable character traits, among which are determination, persistence, willingness to sacrifice, possessing an iron will and devotion to duty.

Many of us have friends and family that have gave of their own lives to secure the freedom that we now enjoy. Yet, we must remember that the "war" does not end for most of our veterans just because they made it home safely. They still need our support and love as they come home and try to re-enter civilian life. So, on this Veteran’s Day, let’s make every effort to honor the brave men and women who have served this great nation and have protected our freedom.

Pastor John J. Dodd

Monday, October 19, 2009


We have an unlimited number of books on the best seller's list on how to be successful. Elijah and Elisha were two of the most successful leaders in the Old Testament, yet a study of their successful lives go against the obvious definition of success as defined by this world! The world defines success by: level of income, control or power, how many work for you, how many departments are under you, how big a project you manage, how large your home or farm is, how much profit you earn, or how much inventory you stock and sell! But true spiritual success is not so much what you have as it is what you are. And since the key to success is WHO we are and not WHAT we do, than success comes to those who know how to live life properly! On Elijah’s final ministry journey he offers Elisha three opportunities to leave him as he was venturing into some tough areas ...
Gilgal to Bethel ... from the mountains to the valley!
Bethel to Jericho ... to a city that God had cursed!
Jericho to the Jordan ... the boundary of the Promise Land to the wilderness!
Yet, Elisha was in this ministry relationship for the long haul, even when the trip was to be a difficult one, or a final one! Whatever came they would face it together. While others may have stood as spectators, Elisha stood by Elijah's side as a faithful ministry companion! Elisha’s ministry would be determined a success before God, not by how many would be saved under his ministry, but by his faithfulness to BE what God called him to be! Elisha’s character is about to be revealed by an offer of any thing he wished for would be granted! Character determines everything in life ... what you do will flow from what you are. And so Elisha requests "A DOUBLE PORTION OF ELIJAH'S SPIRIT." This was not a request for twice as much power! This was not a request for twice as many miracles! It was the language of a first born son desiring his father's blessings! We have a wonderful heavenly father that wants to bless His children . . . so make sure that you chose His blessings over the obvious success of this world.
Pastor John J. Dodd

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Let me ask you a question, what is the one common denominator in every miracle? What is evident and absolutely necessary for a miracle to take place?
Some people would say faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God. But honestly, we all know that many people received a miracle from God and did not have faith. Many people receive a miracle and are surprised. They didn't have a clue what happened, or how the miracle came their way. Others might say that the one prerequisite to receiving a miracle from God is prayer. "You've gotta pray!" However, the truth is that there are miracles that took place in the Bible when no one prayed.
There's only one common denominator that is in every miracle in the Bible. EVERY MIRACLE BEGINS WITH A PROBLEM! That's right. Think about it. Every miracle in the Bible begins with a need. Sometimes, that person is at the end of their rope. They are frustrated. They don't know where to turn. They've come to the end of their own resources. They don't have an answer.
So, if you have a problem, you are a candidate for a miracle from God. In fact, the bigger the problem the greater the miracle. So if you need a miracle, just remember that God loves you and you can trust Him with the circumstances, that need a miracle, of your life.

Pastor John J. Dodd

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Cup of Cold Water

A line in "The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner" says "He
prayeth best who loveth best, all things great and small..."
It is easy to love the great things, the big things. Our culture
celebrates power, money, influence, and beauty. But that
same culture ignores the small and seemingly insignificant
things. The good mother, the faithful employee, the day
laborer, the plain looking, the simply dressed, the common
person...these are just faces in the crowd, extras on the
movie set, non-essentials in the quest for perfection. But
I'm glad that God does not judge His people as our society
judges. We may think "It doesn't really matter if I live close
to God, it wont make any difference." "I'm just a nobody."
Yet, the word of God tells us that our labors for God,
however small, are noted by God and will ultimately be
rewarded by Him. Even a cup of cold water is enough
to activate the rewards of God! Can you see the repercussions
of this truth? Every kind word spoken for Christ will be
rewarded. Every handshake, hug or embrace will be
remembered. Every meal cooked for the sick God has
recorded. Every visitation, every Sunday school class
taught, every fellowship meal prepared, every offering....
Don't despair, God will reward kind words and good deeds,
no matter how insignificant they may seem.


Pastor John J. Dodd

Monday, August 3, 2009


Webster Defines choice as the right, the power and the chance to choose, it means the right to pick out by preference from what is available, to take as a choice. Aren’t you glad God created you in his own image and likeness with the privilege of choice? He created you with free will, so that you can live life with the freedom of your personal choices and decisions.
However there are consequences, either good or bad, to our decisions and choices. In the book of Deuteronomy we are told to choose life or receive the consequences of death. In Matthew we read about two gates, one is straight and narrow and leads to life and the other is broad and wide and represents choosing the easy way that leads to death. As we move through this life, making the choices that will lead us closer to our Heavenly Father is wise. The questions that I have are: What would you like to be true about your life many years from now? And, are you making choices today that will produce the harvest you want? Remember, we do not always get to choose the circumstances of life, but we always have the choice of our responses to those circumstances.

Pastor John J. Dodd

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Yet I will Rejoice!!

In the book of Habakkuk we see a man and a nation facing the worst of times. But Habakkuk responded with praise and worship of God . . . HOW? Because Habakkuk tells us that God has made him ready for this time in his life. Habakkuk says that God has given him "feet of a deer." If Habakkuk had lived on this continent, he might have said, "like those of a bighorn sheep." Because, if you go to Montana’s Glacier National Park and look up at a rocky, seemingly inaccessible peak – there near the top you would see bighorn sheep. They will climb to the uppermost crags, and run over rock fields as easily as we would run on the beach. Why are bighorn sheep able to do this? Because of their feet – their tough, cloven hooves. These hooves aren’t hurt by sharp rocks, but are able to grip even small outcrops. God designed their feet for climbing. They don’t slip. They don’t fall. So remember, the point is not the power of the sheep, but God’s design of the sheep’s foot. So in the same way, God has designed you to stand and not fall.



Pastor Dodd

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Hispanic Ministry

HI! I hope everything is going well for you. Well it's only a few days (July 26 11:00 a.m.) until we kickoff our new Hispanic Ministry. Some months ago, I had a desire hit me that I wanted to help Faithbridge Church venture into a ministry to the Hispanics in our area. As I thought about this new ministry, I realized that I had someone in the congregation that fit very well into this new ministry. Daniel & Cynthia have been in Hispanic ministry for many years with great results. So after just a little encouragement, they have decided to come on staff with me and head up this wonderful new ministry. My prayer is that this ministry will be of great benefit to those who are drawn to attend.