Thursday, July 8, 2010


In Philippians 4:11 Paul uses the word "content." This word speaks of "being satisfied with what one has, regardless of how small it might be." Are you a contented person? Are you satisfied with your lot in life? If you are, then you possess great treasure. Someone has said that contentment "softens our privations, sweetens our provisions, and makes a cottage as fair as a castle."
You might be saved and have much in this world and still not be content. Rather than living lives of grateful contentment, our lives are often filled with complaining. We complain when children are noisy, instead of being thankful that they are healthy and happy. We complain about our home when thousands have no home at all. We gripe about work when many have no jobs. We fuss about our cars when many have never seen a car. Why? We have never learned the secret of contentment! Benjamin Franklin said, "Contentment makes poor men rich; discontentment makes rich men poor."
There is a secret to satisfaction and Paul knew all about it. Look at his words: (v.11) "I have learned", this word means "to gain knowledge". (v.12) "I know", this word means "to understand, to make a discovery". (v.12) "I am instructed", this phrase means "to be initiated". Paul uses the language of Greek "mystery religions". They claimed to have special knowledge of deep, divine secrets possessed only by the initiated. Paul borrows their words to tell us that he has been initiated into The Secret Society Of The Satisfied. He knows the secrets and they all reside and come to us through our wonderful Lord Jesus Christ!

Find your satisfaction in Christ alone!
Pastor John J. Dodd